Monday, July 23, 2012

Mark Twain: Comments on the Moro Massacre (1906)

I first read about the forgotten Massacre in the Philippines while visiting a friend who had just gotten a book on Mark Twain's writings. Skimming through the hundreds of pages, I stumbled upon this essay. More than 100 years after it was written, it's still sharp, highlighting the irony in America's foreign endeavors and the responsibility of journalists to hold our leaders accountable. For whatever reason- perhaps because I write, or perhaps because I was in Indonesia, a neighboring country, at the time I read it- this article stuck in my memory. Today, I serendipitously (is that even a real word?) rediscovered it on Wikipedia (thank you free archives!) and I'm posting it here again (1) so I don't lose it, and (2) so you read it.

*Note- Not sure why some of the text is highlighted in funny....guess I'll figure that out another day

This incident burst upon the world last Friday in an official cablegram from the commander of our forces in the Philippines to our Government at Washington. The substance of it was as follows: A tribe of Moros, dark-skinned savages, had fortified themselves in the bowl of an extinct crater not many miles from Jolo; and as they were hostiles, and bitter against us because we have been trying for eight years to take their liberties away from them, their presence in that position was a menace. Our commander, Gen. Leonard Wood, ordered a reconnaissance. It was found that the Moros numbered six hundred, counting women and children; that their crater bowl was in the summit of a peak or mountain twenty-two hundred feet above sea level, and very difficult of access for Christian troops and artillery. 

Then General Wood ordered a surprise, and went along himself to see the order carried out. Our troops climbed the heights by devious and difficult trails, and even took some artillery with them. The kind of artillery is not specified, but in one place it was hoisted up a sharp acclivity by tackle a distance of some three hundred feet. Arrived at the rim of the crater, the battle began. Our soldiers numbered five hundred and forty. They were assisted by auxiliaries consisting of a detachment of native constabulary in our pay -- their numbers not given -- and by a naval detachment, whose numbers are not stated. But apparently the contending parties were about equal as to number -- six hundred men on our side, on the edge of the bowl; six hundred men, women and children in the bottom of the bowl. Depth of the bowl, 50 feet.

Gen. Wood's order was, "Kill or capture the six hundred."

The battle began-it is officially called by that name-our forces firing down into the crater with their artillery and their deadly small arms of precision; the savages furiously returning the fire, probably with brickbats-though this is merely a surmise of mine, as the weapons used by the savages are not nominated in the cablegram. Heretofore the Moros have used knives and clubs mainly; also ineffectual trade-muskets when they had any.

The official report stated that the battle was fought with prodigious energy on both sides during a day and a half, and that it ended with a complete victory for the American arms. The completeness of the victory for the American arms. The completeness of the victory is established by this fact: that of the six hundred Moros not one was left alive. The brilliancy of the victory is established by this other fact, to wit: that of our six hundred heroes only fifteen lost their lives.

General Wood was present and looking on. His order had been. "Kill or capture those savages." Apparently our little army considered that the "or" left them authorized to kill or capture according to taste, and that their taste had remained what it has been for eight years, in our army out there - the taste of Christian butchers.

The official report quite properly extolled and magnified the "heroism" and "gallantry" of our troops; lamented the loss of the fifteen who perished, and elaborated the wounds of thirty-two of our men who suffered injury, and even minutely and faithfully described the nature of the wounds, in the interest of future historians of the United States. It mentioned that a private had one of his elbows scraped by a missile, and the private's name was mentioned. Another private had the end of his nose scraped by a missile. His name was also mentioned - by cable, at one dollar and fifty cents a word.

Next day's news confirmed the previous day's report and named our fifteen killed and thirty-two wounded again, and once more described the wounds and gilded them with the right adjectives.

Let us now consider two or three details of our military history. In one of the great battles of the Civil War ten per cent. Of the forces engaged on the two sides were killed and wounded. At Waterloo, where four hundred thousand men were present on the two sides, fifty thousand fell, killed and wounded, in five hours, leaving three hundred and fifty thousand sound and all right for further adventures. Eight years ago, when the pathetic comedy called the Cuban War was played, we summoned two hundred and fifty thousand men. We fought a number of showy battles, and when the war was over we had lost two hundred and sixty-eight men out of our two hundred and fifty thousand, in killed and wounded in the field, and just fourteen times as many by the gallantry of the army doctors in the hospitals and camps. We did not exterminate the Spaniards -- far from it. In each engagement we left an average of two per cent. of the enemy killed or crippled on the field.

Contrast these things with the great statistics which have arrived from that Moro crater! There, with six hundred engaged on each side, we lost fifteen men killed outright, and we had thirty-two wounded-counting that nose and that elbow. The enemy numbered six hundred -- including women and children -- and we abolished them utterly, leaving not even a baby alive to cry for its dead mother. This is incomparably the greatest victory that was ever achieved by the Christian soldiers of the United States.

Now then, how has it been received? The splendid news appeared with splendid display-heads in every newspaper in this city of four million and thirteen thousand inhabitants, on Friday morning. But there was not a single reference to it in the editorial columns of any one of those newspapers. The news appeared again in all the evening papers of Friday, and again those papers were editorially silent upon our vast achievement. Next day's additional statistics and particulars appeared in all the morning papers, and still without a line of editorial rejoicing or a mention of the matter in any way. These additions appeared in the evening papers of that same day (Saturday) and again without a word of comment. In the columns devoted to correspondence, in the morning and evening papers of Friday and Saturday, nobody said a word about the "battle." Ordinarily those columns are teeming with the passions of the citizen; he lets no incident go by, whether it be large or small, without pouring out his praise or blame, his joy or his indignation about the matter in the correspondence column. But, as I have said, during those two days he was as silent as the editors themselves. So far as I can find out, there was only one person among our eighty millions who allowed himself the privilege of a public remark on this great occasion -- that was the President of the United States. All day Friday he was as studiously silent as the rest. But on Saturday he recognized that his duty required him to say something, and he took his pen and performed that duty. If I know President Roosevelt -- and I am sure I do -- this utterance cost him more pain and shame than any other that ever issued from his pen or his mouth. I am far from blaming him. If I had been in his place my official duty would have compelled me to say what he said. It was a convention, an old tradition, and he had to be loyal to it. There was no help for it. This is what he said:

Washington, March 10. Wood, Manila:- I congratulate you and the officers and men of your command upon the brilliant feat of arms wherein you and they so well upheld the honor of the American flag. (Signed) Theodore Roosevelt.

His whole utterance is merely a convention. Not a word of what he said came out of his heart. He knew perfectly well that to pen six hundred helpless and weaponless savages in a hole like rats in a trap and massacre them in detail during a stretch of a day and a half, from a safe position on the heights above, was no brilliant feat of arms - and would not have been a brilliant feat of arms even if Christian America, represented by its salaried soldiers, had shot them down with Bibles and the Golden Rule instead of bullets. He knew perfectly well that our uniformed assassins had not upheld the honor of the American flag, but had done as they have been doing continuously for eight years in the Philippines - that is to say, they had dishonored it.

The next day, Sunday, -- which was yesterday -- the cable brought us additional news - still more splendid news -- still more honor for the flag. The first display-head shouts this information at us in the stentorian capitals: "WOMEN SLAIN MORO SLAUGHTER."

"Slaughter" is a good word. Certainly there is not a better one in the Unabridged Dictionary for this occasion. The next display line says: "With Children They Mixed in Mob in Crater, and All Died Together."

They were mere naked savages, and yet there is a sort of pathos about it when that word children falls under your eye, for it always brings before us our perfectest symbol of innocence and helplessness; and by help of its deathless eloquence color, creed and nationality vanish away and we see only that they are children -- merely children. And if they are frightened and crying and in trouble, our pity goes out to them by natural impulse. We see a picture. We see the small forms. We see the terrified faces. We see the tears. We see the small hands clinging in supplication to the mother; but we do not see those children that we are speaking about. We see in their places the little creatures whom we know and love.

The next heading blazes with American and Christian glory like to the sun in the zenith:

"Death List is Now 900."

I was never so enthusiastically proud of the flag till now!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Yogi and the Antichrist

Western Yoga is generally associated with peace, meditation and skinny people in leggings, but in the most conservative American households such as my own it is a contentious topic that rivals abortion and homosexuality.

Yesterday evening, when I casually suggested to my mom that I was interested in doing hot yoga- (definition: a particularly sexy type of stretching which you do in- yep you got it- a hot room) she listened quietly while I explained the benefits of stretching with warm muscles, the importance of building strength through low-impact exercise and all that jazz.

I thought that was the end of our discussion until I was called down for a discussion with my parents later that same day.

In response to the growing popularity of yoga across the U.S. and new-age beliefs, many books and websites have cropped up to warn unsuspecting Christians about the insidious nature of yoga. Here is just one example of an article posted by a senior producer for The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Well-read in such sources, my parents lovingly explained how yoga would lead me into the teachings of the antichrist (definition: generally understood as the dude who’s going to take over and position himself against the Church in the last days before the Second Coming of Jesus- see 2 John or Revelations for details)

As with most lectures, my dad began by opening up his Bible which he directed me to read out loud.

“Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world… Every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.” I Timothy 4:1 NIV Version

Since yoga does not acknowledge Jesus (it doesn’t acknowledge any God in fact), it must be a teaching of the antichrist, they deduced.

My dad then went on to show me a Youtube video (sorry I can’t find it) of a man explaining the “true origins of yoga”. I sat for 8 minutes while a man with a long name and a voice as bland as that of a Discovery Channel narrator explained a black and white Powerpoint about how yoga is not only a physical practice a spiritual practice deeply rooted in ancient mystical beliefs, in other words paganism.

Like most Americans, I was already aware of the spiritual aspects of Yoga. Also, like most Americans, I do not plan to hire an instructor so that I can convert to Hinduism or sit on my buttocks and recite Ohm for one hour (though there are people who do, and that's fine for them). Personally, I hope to build strength and flexibility to supplement my regular workout regimen of weightlifting and running but that's besides the point.

I find it interesting that many of the same people who condemn yoga are the same people who celebrate familiar holidays such as Easter and Christmas- supposedly Christian holidays but with practices undeniably rooted in pagan beliefs.

My parents are certainly not representative of all Christians. In fact, if you google “Christian Yoga”, all of the websites that show up on the first search page are websites by Christians for Christians who have discovered the benefits of yoga and are loving it. As with customs such as the practice of making Easter eggs, these Christian writers explain how Christian-yogis take what they like from Eastern practices- the health benefits, the meditation, etc- and use it to strengthen their own beliefs.

This article from Christian Yoga Magazine, sums it up quite nicely.

“Christians who practice yoga, Zen, Aikido and similar eastern health and spiritual disciplines do so, not out of a repudiation of their own religious heritage, but as a way of deepening it. They celebrate and embrace all that is true and good and wise in these practices- and simply ignore those aspects that are not in harmony with their own spiritual outlook.”

Do you think Yoga is compatible with Christianity? Please share your thoughts.