Dear Joe,
I never imagined that I would be writing these words to you.
I still remember how as a young freshman in college, I wouldn’t even give you the time of day. Sure I was curious, and yeah, you’re hot and I saw how all my female friends were gaga over you- but I was new to college, ready to save the world and happy just being me, alone and independent.
Sometimes I regret that we didn’t start things sooner, but I’ve come to realize that it was actually the time apart that has helped me to appreciate the role you play in my life today.
I will never forget that first day things started happening between us. Sophomore year: It was a late night in the library and I had already been sitting in my dusty cubicle for eight hours, desperately cramming for my Honors final. Then my best friend came over and suggested that we take a “study break” at the campus coffee shop.
I mean c’mon, everyone knew that you would be there that night. I had always been good at saying no, but that night was different- perhaps I was a little crazed from all the studying or maybe I was influenced by the teaching of the Greek philosophers I was reading- whatever the reason, that night, I did something different, I said yes. And that first step brought me to you.
You ended up coming back with me that night. And through that night, I realized that you are not only strong, dark and bold, but that you can also be smooth and sweet. I still remember being blown away by how you not only satisfied by desires but stimulated my mind. Maybe I stayed up a little later than I should’ve, but I can honestly say that you were the one that got me through that night. And guess what? The next day I aced my Honors final.
That was the beginning of our young romance. From that day forward, I began seeing you on a daily basis and you even started becoming a part of my circle of friends. I won’t go into detail about the rest of our relationship since you already know what happened. Like with any relationship, we had our ups and downs. There were sometimes days where I was okay without seeing you, but in the end, I’d always come back.
As the days and months passed, I got more adventurous with you, wanting to try new things in new places. My friend who’d introduced me to you that one fated day in the library was surprised, but happy for us. “I always knew you’d give in,” she’d say to me, shaking her head.
Then there was the dry period. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but one day I just freaked out, like completely bugged out. I began to realize that I was slowly losing that independent self-confidence I once had. My friends had already begun noticing this about me, but for a long time I was in denial. Finally, I had to face the facts. I haven't told this to anyone but there were actually times where I felt like I couldn’t go on with my life unless I could wake up every day to your familiar smell or be with you later that day.
And that’s how the break began. It was long and painful, and every time I ran into you at the library or in the coffee shop, I’d be flooded with the memories that we shared together. Throughout this time, you never forced yourself on me, but you were always there, waiting for the day I’d come back to you- back to you like I always had.
But I didn’t, at least not right away. I moved on with my life, finding other things to pass the time and keep me going. I started sleeping longer, exercising and spending more time talking on the phone. I even met a few new guys. I was happy. I thought I’d make it through the summer, but then I got this job at The Star Ledger and the walls all came crumbling down again. It was Sophomore year all over again.
After getting only four hours of sleep, waking up at the crack of dawn, and staring at my computer for five hours straight, I realized that I just couldn’t be without you any longer. I told my boss that I would be back and that I needed to see you and surprisingly, he was very understanding.
“Trust me! I’ve been there,” he said with a good-natured laughed.
I dropped everything that I was working on and headed for the doorway. I walked through all the familiar bends in the hallway and directly to the kitchen where I knew you would be waiting.
And there you were, a perfect, hot, fresh pot of my favorite brew.
Since that moment, I haven’t gone a day without you. And you know what? I’m okay with that now. Yeah you sometimes make me shake uncontrollably and yeah you make me pee more than I ever did before, but that’s okay because when I am with you, I feel like a new and yes, a better person. So I want to just conclude this by saying, thank you Joe. Thank you for all that you have done for me and all that you have gotten me through.
I am proud to declare that I am addicted to you and to proclaim that even if I occasionally go for tea, I will never leave you.
Here’s to us!