Saturday, June 19, 2010


I promised myself I'd start a blog this summer, but once I started my summer job (which involves 8 hours of staring at a computer) the goal of starting a blog quickly melted away. But even in its pitiful melted state- that idea stuck with me, and here today, I hope to make it a reality.

So what's the deal with my blog title? Well I actually created this blog years ago for my artwork so that once all my drawings and paintings had rotted away in my attic, I'd still have copies stored safely on Blogspot to show future lovers and grandchildren. You can see how well that idea panned out.

Although I don't plan to make this blog exclusively about my artwork (there wouldn't be much of it), I've decided to keep Grace Arts as my blog title. Even though I don't carry my sketchbook everywhere like I did in high school, I very much still consider myself an artist and I'd like GraceArts to be the digital sketchbook where I capture some of those events and memories which make me who I am.

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